7 July 2023 World Change Day

On July 7th, 2023, World Change Day was celebrated both in Turkey and around the world, with a series of events and activities designed to inspire positive change. In Turkey, the celebrations took place in multiple cities including Istanbul, Ankara, İzmir, and Antalya, with participants coming together to discuss and promote sustainable practices, peace, and the importance of ecological balance.

Internationally, countries such as Germany, France, the United States, and Bosnia and Herzegovina also joined in, organizing events that united people in their shared commitment to global transformation. Through music, dance, discussions, and community outreach, these events highlighted the urgent need for collective action toward a brighter, more sustainable future.


Technology should be created not to destroy humanity, but to preserve it!

For change to occur, people must change their old mindset and adopt a new vision.

Technology is advancing, and this creates the illusion that humanity is advancing as well. However, when we look closely, we see that technological progress has not brought humanity to a brighter future.

Currently, people are trying to produce more technology. However, humanity does not need more technology, but rather better technology that is more sustainable, in harmony with nature, and does not disrupt ecological balances.

A change is needed in the field of new technology as well. Not all kinds of technology should be produced. Only harmless technologies should be produced, and harmful ones should be destroyed. First and foremost, the arms industry should be dismantled, and the production of weapons should be banned.

Industrialization is polluting natural resources and disrupting the delicate balance of nature. Technology is creating new problems every day, and people are struggling to solve these problems.

Technology should be used to positively and helpfully change the external world; it should be employed to preserve the environmental balance in nature. Humans cannot create a better ecological balance than the one existing in nature because humans cannot compete with nature.

Despite humanity’s efforts to preserve the balance of nature and environmental harmony, the situation is worsening day by day. Technology has advanced to the point where it is starting to destroy the natural balance, but destroying the natural balance means destroying humanity itself.

Therefore, when humans use technology, they should not disrupt the natural balances. The only thing that must be done to save this planet is to initiate a change from destroying to preserving.

Since technology has disrupted the balance, superior technologies can be developed to restore it. For this, people must simply become more conscious.

If the current societal dynamics on Earth continue as they are, the future is hopeless. For the future to be hopeful, a radical change is required. To save this planet, we must love this beautiful world and not oppose it.

Those who do not love the world cannot love life; those who do not love life cannot love people; those who do not love people cannot live on this planet. Those who do not live on the planet oppose it, and those who oppose the planet cannot survive. For real change, we need peace, not war. A change-maker strives for the positive transformation of humanity.