
When we talk about change, infinite possibilities come to mind, but here we are discussing a specific change. We are referring to the collective positive change of the entire world for a brighter future. Our planet is giving warning signals, new international conflicts erupt every day, and individuals are becoming increasingly unhappy as their hopes for the future are shattered.

Technology is advancing, creating an illusion that humanity is progressing along with it. However, when examined closely, it becomes clear that technological progress is not necessarily leading humanity towards a brighter future. Therefore, we must distinguish between technological advancement and the advancement of humanity. Here, we are talking about the enlightenment of humanity. Humans are not robots so technological progress can not bring out superior models of humans. So, let’s set technology aside and focus on humanity.

Change is necessary for the development, progress, and integration of the planet, societies, and individuals. Everyone wants to change, wants the world to change in a positive way, but they often cannot make it happen. Let’s investigate the reasons why people desire change but fail to bring it about.

To find the answers to these questions, we offer humanity an effective key to change on World Change Day. The other name for this key is: Change Yourself.

If you want the world to change, wars to end, and the future to be filled with hope, start by changing yourself. Change yourself, but don’t wait for the leaders to change. And the most effective tool for changing yourself is the breath of a human being. Everyone breathes in and out; by changing the style of your breath, you can bring about positive and profound changes within yourself.

Breathing is an action that positively, emotionally, and mentally transforms a person both physically and mentally. Good health can be defined as a state of well-being, happiness, and positivity, and everyone can achieve this through breath. When a person achieves physical well-being, they also attain inner peace and happiness, which they then reflect in the external world. Society is made up of individuals, and when individuals project their inner well-being outward, society heals, and as a result, the environment and the world also heal.

This is how crucial breath is in bringing about change. Just take 5-10 minutes to get to know your breath here. Observe your breaths, adjust your breathing correctly, and regulate your breath flow. This way, positive change will first manifest within you and then radiate outwards.

Just one person, by changing their breath, can ignite the flame of change in the world.

So, let every individual take on this responsibility and start changing the world by changing their breath right now.